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Форум - Russian Tournament » История » Архив » У меня... (sml[thread]Пишем здесь все, что у вас случилось, есть и т.д.)
У меня...
у меня долго не переключась клава на рус.
у меня большой интерес к новостям от Вендетты.

I will be always a dreamer
Always fighting for more than I can have
I will be always a dreamer
And I'll never think I've had enough
Dreams come true if you believe it
Hit the brakes let no one on your way
I will be always a dreamer^^
У меня ася включена, давай "шпрехать" think

My dreams, they never come true
And if they ever, ever do
It's never you
(Phantogram – Running From The Cops)
у меня согласие с тобой)

I will be always a dreamer
Always fighting for more than I can have
I will be always a dreamer
And I'll never think I've had enough
Dreams come true if you believe it
Hit the brakes let no one on your way
I will be always a dreamer^^
У меня кипит мозг.

Если вы не признаете аншейма мудаком - я перережу вены!!!
у меня нет такого ощущения:Р

I will be always a dreamer
Always fighting for more than I can have
I will be always a dreamer
And I'll never think I've had enough
Dreams come true if you believe it
Hit the brakes let no one on your way
I will be always a dreamer^^
у меня мысль о том что мы опять про котэ)

I will be always a dreamer
Always fighting for more than I can have
I will be always a dreamer
And I'll never think I've had enough
Dreams come true if you believe it
Hit the brakes let no one on your way
I will be always a dreamer^^
у меня совет тебе запираться ночью от котэ и сваливать его на родителей,а с утра получать пендалей:D

I will be always a dreamer
Always fighting for more than I can have
I will be always a dreamer
And I'll never think I've had enough
Dreams come true if you believe it
Hit the brakes let no one on your way
I will be always a dreamer^^
у меня не такое умное котэ видать Оо

I will be always a dreamer
Always fighting for more than I can have
I will be always a dreamer
And I'll never think I've had enough
Dreams come true if you believe it
Hit the brakes let no one on your way
I will be always a dreamer^^
а у меня хорошо:Р

I will be always a dreamer
Always fighting for more than I can have
I will be always a dreamer
And I'll never think I've had enough
Dreams come true if you believe it
Hit the brakes let no one on your way
I will be always a dreamer^^
У меня котэ убежало.

Если вы не признаете аншейма мудаком - я перережу вены!!!
у меня бабушкино котэ дохлое)

I will be always a dreamer
Always fighting for more than I can have
I will be always a dreamer
And I'll never think I've had enough
Dreams come true if you believe it
Hit the brakes let no one on your way
I will be always a dreamer^^
У меня котэ ровесник и еды нету.

My dreams, they never come true
And if they ever, ever do
It's never you
(Phantogram – Running From The Cops)
у меня страх к аншейму)

I will be always a dreamer
Always fighting for more than I can have
I will be always a dreamer
And I'll never think I've had enough
Dreams come true if you believe it
Hit the brakes let no one on your way
I will be always a dreamer^^
Форум - Russian Tournament » История » Архив » У меня... (sml[thread]Пишем здесь все, что у вас случилось, есть и т.д.)
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