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Форум - Russian Tournament » Общение » Флейм & Флуд » Ассоциации с аватаром
Ассоциации с аватаром
Вижу казанскую сироту. diablo2

My dreams, they never come true
And if they ever, ever do
It's never you
(Phantogram – Running From The Cops)
Вижу чернобелый фанарт к варику
Вижу приемника Ксана)

My dreams, they never come true
And if they ever, ever do
It's never you
(Phantogram – Running From The Cops)
Вижу мальколма, потом некриса вижу..
Вижу хитреца.

My dreams, they never come true
And if they ever, ever do
It's never you
(Phantogram – Running From The Cops)
Вижу человека, похожего на филина.

My dreams, they never come true
And if they ever, ever do
It's never you
(Phantogram – Running From The Cops)
Quote (UnShame)
севшего на кол

Где ты кол увидел? ha
Вижу главного нарушителя спокойствия своего.

My dreams, they never come true
And if they ever, ever do
It's never you
(Phantogram – Running From The Cops)
вижу эльфийку с острым ножичком

Wanna play Warframe? Click here and register!
You see the world in black and white
No color or light
You think you'll never get it right
But you're wrong, you might
Вижу сердитого протосса.

My dreams, they never come true
And if they ever, ever do
It's never you
(Phantogram – Running From The Cops)
Мэв, поджидающая Иллидана

Wanna play Warframe? Click here and register!
You see the world in black and white
No color or light
You think you'll never get it right
But you're wrong, you might
Quote (Antill)
Мэв, поджидающая Иллидана

Ага а потом когда он придёт она возьмёт нож и... diablo2
Вижу нечто внеземное.

My dreams, they never come true
And if they ever, ever do
It's never you
(Phantogram – Running From The Cops)
Quote (UnShame)
вижу одноногое существо (присмотритесь)

я сначала подумал что это морской конек

вижу чучело

Добавлено (09 Июнь 10, 16:31)
вижу смерть

Good luck, good luck to you
Hanging like a fruit
Ready to be juiced
Juiced, juiced
Вижу Истинную смерть.

My dreams, they never come true
And if they ever, ever do
It's never you
(Phantogram – Running From The Cops)
Смотрящая в ночь

Wanna play Warframe? Click here and register!
You see the world in black and white
No color or light
You think you'll never get it right
But you're wrong, you might
Вижу пугало. diablo2

My dreams, they never come true
And if they ever, ever do
It's never you
(Phantogram – Running From The Cops)
0_o лоло
вижу картинку убогого качества

Wanna play Warframe? Click here and register!
You see the world in black and white
No color or light
You think you'll never get it right
But you're wrong, you might
вижу картинку 125х190

Good luck, good luck to you
Hanging like a fruit
Ready to be juiced
Juiced, juiced
Форум - Russian Tournament » Общение » Флейм & Флуд » Ассоциации с аватаром
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