Mars Wars v 3
Тотальная конверсия для Unreal Tournament 2004
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Источник: ModDB
Добавил: UnShame (Другие дополнения пользователя)
Дата добавления: 15 Сентября 09, 02:18
3466 просмотров, 587 загрузок, 5 голосов
NEW MUTATORS: Mars Wars SANTA HAT RFmutxMas.RFSantaHatMutator
Mars Wars xMas RFmutxMas.RFMutxMas
MWCTF-ConcreteCastle made by SGT-Tanker
MWCTF-CoverMe made by SGT-Tanker
MWCTF-Graveyard made by SGT-Tanker
MWCTF-Hangman made by SGT-Tanker
MWDM-Apprehension (TRY IN INVASION!) made by SGT-Tanker
MWDM-Condemned made by SGT-Tanker
MWDM-CubicCycle made by SGT-Tanker
MWDM-Depot made by SGT-Tanker
MWDM-Downfall made by SGT-Tanker
MWDM-EdgeOfDespair made by SGT-Tanker
MWDM-FallFactor made by SGT-Tanker
MWDM-FatalStructure made by SGT-Tanker
MWDM-KillFactory made by SGT-Tanker
You see...tons of new and updated maps by SGT-Tanker.
He has been supporting Mars Wars for quite a while now. He has proven himself to be a very
helpful and nice person.
Thanks for all the maps and voice packs. You know how much we are enjoying this stuff..
I wish you all the best.
HitSounds in Revision5:
If you want to hear hitsounds while your weapon inflicts damage on your opponent, open MarsWarsUser.ini and search for
[RFSystem.RFxPlayer] then add bPlayHitsounds=True under it.
optional: bHitSoundPitching=True will change the sound pitch depending on damage amount
changelog patch 2 + 3
New weapon: Uzi
New weapon: Anti Personnel Grenade Launcher (not useable yet)
New character: Sopot
New character: Tangier
New Monster: AirMine
New Monster: CombatDrone Elite
New Mutator: xMas
New Mutator: SantaHats
Tweaks on Monsters (visually and functionally)
New/more blood and gib effects
Railgun now correctly pierces monsters
Tauntpack for Sopot
Reduced Footstep volume
Removed gametype selection from serverbrowser.
Invasion HUD changes.
Re-worked the leveling system for invasion for more reliability.
"Kills" for stats now record in online matches
Fixed weapons stay setting (they always stayed)
Character specific deathsounds
less log accessed nones in INV
+stuff I've forgotten
changelog patch 1
Fixed several accessed nones in code (less errors)
Weapon Damage scaling against vehicles tweaked
Rocket homing fixed
railgun zoom fixed FX effect
3rd person rifle character animations tweaked
3rd person Rocket Launcher texturing tweaked
New character: Nano Mutant
New character: Freddy
3rd person SubMG model scaled down
Removed HUD items from RailArena
Fixed 2D gametype crashing
Fixed positions of items on scoreboard (when you press F1)
Bullet impacts now visible to all clients in online games
Fixed KN.AN.O Character so you can use it
Fixed EMP causing malfunction on most vehicles
Fixed a bug where Riot Stick wouldn't do damage
Grabber shoots smaller rockets
Baby Reeper Ragdoll fixed / darkened model
Disabled Filters function in serverbrowser (no accident hiding of servers)
Railgun beam effect no longer lags online
Added Combat Suit with camo skin
Invasion HUD: removed the misplaced red background box.
Invasion HUD: Added highlighter to score.
Invasion HUD: added score next to playernames
Removed hit sounds on flame damage
Fixed a bug where FP weapons would not display correctly
Cutter can now spawn Drones with alt-fire on target (Cutter is still WIP)
All weapons piece at least sheet thick geometry such as glass/grating
Tweaked deathmatch scoreboard
new scoreboard for teambased games (WIP)
Changed blood hit effect
Cutter vehicle Beam effect changed.
Added menu background with music
Player statistics which can be seen in main menu now record properly.
Worked on the damaging system where Armor to Health border didn't work properly.
Score leveling for Invasion
Directional shadows
Adjusted weaponshake on weapons
New playable maps DM 2D PacMan, CTF 2D Pyramid, DM WorldOfCubes2
+stuff I've forgotten
там куча карт
MWCTF-ConcreteCastle made by SGT-Tanker
MWCTF-CoverMe made by SGT-Tanker
MWCTF-Graveyard made by SGT-Tanker
MWCTF-Hangman made by SGT-Tanker
MWDM-Apprehension (TRY IN INVASION!) made by SGT-Tanker
MWDM-Condemned made by SGT-Tanker
MWDM-CubicCycle made by SGT-Tanker
MWDM-Depot made by SGT-Tanker
MWDM-Downfall made by SGT-Tanker
MWDM-EdgeOfDespair made by SGT-Tanker
MWDM-FallFactor made by SGT-Tanker
MWDM-FatalStructure made by SGT-Tanker
MWDM-KillFactory made by SGT-Tanker
в хаос у т был мотоцикл, но он там не оч, батл байк самое нормальное:-)
На счет версии, у меня стоит версия 2.1 пропатченая бонус паком, а 2.2 это последняя версия
и это.. не обязательно всегда огромным жирным текстом писать =)